Acer platanoides
Norway Maple
Europe and west Asia
Dense, broadly oval to rounded; 40 x 50 feet (90 feet) tall. Medium growth rate.
Full sun to light shade, any well-drained soil.
Easily transplanted, resists drought and air pollution, adaptable to pH. Dense shade beneath canopy and shallow roots can be detrimental. Overused in landscape. Seedings come up everywhere. Colors in the fall later and holds color later than many other maples.
Opposite, simple, 4 to 7 inch long, 5 sharply pointed lobes. Leaves generally broader than long. Flower is greenish yellow in April. Fall color may be fair y
Buds are ovoid, .125 inches long. Terminal flower bud up to .375 inches long.
Black, ridged and furrowed with age; twigs are orange-brown.
Perfect, yellow or greenish yellow, each flower .3 inches in diameter, April before the leaes, produced in erect, many-flowered corymbs.
Samara 1.5 to 2 inches long. Wings divergent at nearly 180 degrees.
'Columnare' - Plant form a wide column 60 feet tall.
'Crimson King' - Leaves maroon during the growing season.
'Drummondii' - Light-green leaves with a white margin. Tend to revert to all green.
'Schwedleri' - Purple-red spring foliage turns dark green in early summer.