Zelkova serrata
Japanese Zelkova
Japan, Korea
Vase-shaped, with broad, rounded crown and ascending branches. Fast growth rate.
Moist, well-drained soils in full sun.
Good for landscape and street tree use, tolerant of wind, drought; resistant to most elm pests including Dutch elm disease.
Alternate, simple, 1.25 to 5 inches long, ovate to oblong-ovate, acuminate, margins sharply serrate, 8-14 parallel veins. Top of leaf rough and dark-green, fall color brown or red to purple.
Buds are small elmlike, divergent from the stem.
Gray, smooth, with many lenticels evident on branches; can be scaly looking.
Tri-monoecious with male, bisexual, and female flowers in regular sequence on a short shoot.
Small drupe.
Seed, cuttings.
'Green Vase' - Vase-shaped, upward arching branches. Vigorous.
'Village Green' - Rapid growth, good habit, red fall color. Hardy. Highly resistant to Dutch elm disease and to beetles.
Related Species: Z. sinica - Similar to Z. serrata but with plately exfoliating golden bark at maturity.