Liquidambar styraciflua
American Sweetgum
Mid-south range, most common in low rich woodlands.
Pyramidal in youth; crown rounded at maturity.
In bottomlands on rich, moist alluvial soils.
Found in lawns, parks, and streets and is coveted for its striking foliage and fall color. It needs a fair amount of space for its extensive root system.
Star shaped leaves, glossy deep green in the summer, changing to dark purple-red in the fall.
Terminal buds are imbricate. Reddish green-brown and sometimes fragrant when crushed.
Grayish brown, deeply furrowed into narrow, somewhat rounded ridges. Gives the tree a spiky appearance.
Early spring, small, non showy.
Syncarp of dehiscent capsules. Monkey balls in the form of spiky round balls.
Leafy cuttings taken with a heel can be rooted under mist in summer
Numerous. Some cultivars such as 'Rotundiloba' reportendly produce fewer of the "gumballs".